04 June 2010

Sing Praise to Our Creator (O Most Holy Trinity)

Sing praise to our Creator,
O you of Adam's race —
God's children by adoption,
baptized into his grace.

O most holy Trinity,
Undivided Unity;
Holy God, mighty God,
God immortal, be adored.
To Jesus Christ give glory,
God's co-eternal Son;
as members of his Body
we live in him as one. (Refrain)

And praise the Holy Spirit
poured forth upon the earth;
who sanctifies and guides us,
made strong in our rebirth. (Refrain)

Text: Mark Evans (1962)
Tune: GOTT VATER SEI GEPRIESEN 76.76 + Refrain


  1. ⛪love that song so much! thank-you for posting ⛪

  2. I was impressed that as a child I would sing this hymn, not really knowing what it meant. In my morning time with my adult son today, as we were reading and praying over Philippians 2:6-11, this song came surging back from my youth.

    Now, as 63 year old who became a believer at 19 years old, I absolutely love this song...understanding and greatly appreciating Christ's accomplishment in the stage of His incarnation, bringing the infinite God into the finite man, uniting and mingling the Triune God with the tripartite man, expressing in His humanity, the bountiful God, in God's rich attributes, through His (Christ's) aromatic virtues!
    Finishing His all-inclusive judicial redemption!

    Praise the Holy Trinity!
    Undivided unity!
    Holy God, Mighty God,
    God Immortal, be adored!
