20 July 2011

Kostet und seht (Taizé)

Kostet und seht, gütig ist Gott.
Glücklich die sich bergen bei ihm.
Meide das Böse, tue das Gute.
Suche Frieden und jage ihm nach.

Taste and see how good is the Lord,
happy are those who take refuge in him.
Forsake evil, and do good;
seek peace, and pursue it.

[NB: Provisional Taizé song]

See my other blog postings in the "Taizé" series of chants.

Official Taizé Community Website

Wikipedia information on the Taizé Community
- in French
- in English

1 comment:

  1. Does anyone still have a copy of the sheet music that you could post up here? Thanks!
