29 May 2012

Praise the Spirit in Creation




1. Praise the Spirit in creation,
breath of God, life's origin:
Spirit moving on the waters,
quickening worlds to life within,
source of breath to all things breathing,
life in whom all lives begin.

2. Praise the Spirit, close companion
of our inmost thoughts and ways;
who, in showing us God's wonders,
is himself the power to gaze;
and God's will, to those who listen,
by a still small voice conveys.

3. Praise the Spirit, who enlightened
priest and prophets with the word;
his the truth behind the wisdoms
which as yet know not our Lord;
by whose love and power, in Jesus
God himself was seen and heard.

4. Tell of how the ascended Jesus
armed a people for his own;
how a hundred men and women
turned the known world upside down,
to its dark and furthest corners
by the wind of heaven blown.

5. Pray we then, O Lord the Spirit,
praise the Father, praise the Word,
Source, and Truth, and Inspiration,
Trinity in deep accord;
through your voice which speaks within us
we, your creatures call you Lord.

Words: Michael Hewlett (b. 1916)
(i) FINNIAN, by Christopher Dearnley (b. 1930)
(ii) JULION 87.87.87, by David Hurd (b. 1950)

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