04 May 2012

Sungguh Indah Kau Tuhan (You are so Beautiful, O God)

Ku cari wajahMu
Temukan kasihMu
Kau bukan Tuhan yang jauh dariku
Kupanggil namaMu
Kudengar jawabMu
Kau Tuhan yang s’lalu dengar seruan hatiku

Sungguh indah Kau Tuhan
Penuh kasih dan sayang
Kau tempat penghiburan
Bagi setiap hati yang terluka
Sungguh indah Kau Tuhan
Menara perlindungan
Kau sumber kekuatan
Bagi semua orang yang membutuhkan.

I search for your face
To encounter your love
You are not far away from me
I call upon your name

I hear your call
You God always hear the cry of my heart

You are so beautiful O God

Full of love and affection
You are a place of comfort
For every broken heart
You are so beautiful O God
My tower of protection
You are the source of strength
For all those in need.

Composer: Jonathan Prawira

See my other blog postings in the Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) series

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