18 March 2013

Gather the People (Dan Schutte)

Gather the people, enter the feast,
all are invited, the greatest and least.
The banquet is ready, now to be shared.
Join in the heavenly feast that God has prepared.
1. Around this table we dine as kin,
beloved family of God.
We share the body of Christ the Lord.
Here we become what we eat. (Refrain)

2. Around this table God's bounty falls
on all who hunger and thirst.
We drink the fullness of Christ the Lord,
so we become what we eat. (Refrain)

3. Around this table our hearts rejoice
in love that’s stronger than death.
We’ll rise in glory with Christ the Lord,
then we become what we eat. (Refrain)

Composer: Dan Schutte (2004)

See my other blog postings in the Contemporary Catholic series.   


  1. I like the song. Where can i get a copy of the choral arrangement of this song? Please....thanks.

    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0209hVempQ&pp=ygUWZ2F0aGVyIHRoZSBwZW9wbGUgU0FUQg%3D%3D
