30 April 2013

This Alone (Tim Manion)

One thing I ask, this alone I seek,
To dwell in the House of the Lord all my days.
For one day within Your temple heals every day alone.
O Lord, bring me to Your dwelling.
1. Hear, O Lord, the sound of my calling.
Hear, O Lord, and show me Your way.

2. The Lord is my light and hope of salvation.
The Lord is my refuge; whom should I fear?

3. Wait on the Lord and hope in His mercy.
Wait on the Lord and live in His love.

Composer: Tim Manion

See my other blog postings in the Contemporary Catholic series.


  1. Someone sent me this CD and song "This Alone". My husband died 7 months ago and this song is really beautiful and ministering. Thank you!

  2. A touching hymn that inspires to seek the Lord

  3. A very beautiful song that touches the heart as you sing it.

  4. Wonderful words from Scripture Psalm 26 great song from one who knows music as a cantor choir member and musician Thank you

  5. It gives me a feeling of melancholy and cheerfulness at the same time. A summary of our prayers and journey on earth.

  6. The choir at Saint Cornelius in Long Beach CA sang this today … so beautiful and meaningful.
