17 August 2013

Day is Done, But Love Unfailing (James Quinn)

1. Day is done, but love unfailing
Dwells ever here;
Shadows fall, but hope, prevailing,
Calms every fear.
Loving Father, none forsaking,
Take our hearts, of Love’s own making,
Watch our sleeping, guard our waking,
Be always near.

2. Dark descends, but light unending
Shines through our night;
You are with us, ever lending
New strength to sight:
One in love, your truth confessing,
One in hope of heaven’s blessing,
May we see, in love’s possessing,
Love’s endless light!

3. Eyes will close, but you unsleeping
Watch by our side;
Death may come, in love’s safekeeping
Still we abide
God of love, all evil quelling,
Sin forgiving, fear dispelling,
Stay with us, our hearts indwelling,
This eventide.

Text: James Quinn (b. 1919)
Tune: AR HYD Y NOS 84.84.884 


  1. I always love this song. Great song for evening or night prayer

  2. So happy to have found this song! It moves me in ways I cannot express wholly.

  3. This remains my best hymn during my seminary days and even today.I love music

  4. Seminary days were complete when'ver I sung this song at evening prayer

  5. Mostly Fridays evening prayers

  6. I remember when I was in Saint Anthony Secondary school Ohafia Abia state Nigeria .we normally sing this song during evening prayer .To God be the Glory
